Blogger, Transformational Expert and Alopecia Self-Acceptance Advocate
I'm Bald and Happy!
A story of self-love, my journey through change, adversity and perseverance which ultimately led to the most beautiful discoveries in self-acceptance and self-love.
The Story
I'm bald! I have Alopecia !
This is my story about my journey to self acceptance through shock, shame, guilt, denial, strength and other things inside of me that ultimately lead to a rediscovery of myself.
It Wasn't the First Time
Any picture that I've ever seen of myself as a baby I was bald. According to my mother's account, she was required to take medication while she was pregnant with me because there was a possibility that she may have been exposed to a contagious disease. She claimed she needed to take the medication to protect herself and me from possible exposure to the disease. My mother felt this may have been the reason I was born with little hair or no hair at all. Her story was that I had a few wisps of hair on my head and by the time I was a few weeks old my head was bald as a bean. Everyone thought it was cute...and you know what?... it was acceptable to be a chubby little bald baby. Life was easy. A good bath from my mommy, a little Johnson's Baby Oil on my head, throw on a baby bonnet with matching clothes and I was "good to go". Fast forward to today; being bald as an adult woman is so much different from being little bald headed baby. It comes with a lot of negative stigmatisms, misconceptions and emotions. Most importantly, the reason that I am bald today is far different than from when I was a baby and in no way was related to my Mother's account of having to take those medications.
I have Alopecia. I love my new crown (read what's in a name). I believe that I came into the world bald, I will leave this world bald, therefore, I have been hereby, "CROWNED REGAL!". Although I have come to love my new crown, nobody told me how heavy wearing that crown would be.
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